Founded in 2000, after seeing the challenges being faced by people across the world, especially women and girls living in conflict zones, NHF-GN has become a solution in solving disputes that can lead to violations of human rights.
It all started with the founder of NHF-GN organising a sporting meeting, discussing with a group of young people who wanted to defend the rights of children and see peace prevailing in their communities. This led to an agreement to start a movement for child human rights defenders and peacemakers.
Currently, in 40 countries across 5 continents, NHF-GN is on a peacebuilding mission with the main focus on conflict prevention, leadership and economic empowerment through arts, sports and cultural activities using art as a tool for communication, mobilisation and as well as therapy for healing.
Let's agree that most of all misunderstandings around the world are fueled or are caused by anger and end up becoming conflicts, these challenges being faced by people around the world have pushed NHF-GN to create and become involved but the nature of challenges it has seen people facing has further pushed it to carryout humanitarian actions as a means of maximizing its sustainable peace-building actions. Monitoring, responding and mitigation remain part of its balanced and comprehensive strategy.

By December 2025, achieve NHFGN’s peacebuilding objectives through building a 75% sustainable resources base that will support the implementation of SDG goals number 1,5,16 and 17 in 150 countries.
By December 2027, reach out to 2,5 million people with women's empowerment strategies in +40 countries;
By December 2022 we will have investments in women's leadership skills training
By December 2025 create an environment that promotes the eradication of poverty for 25% of women, aged 21 to 65 years 35% girls, aged 3 to 18 years, 15% boys, aged 3 to 18 years and 15% youths, aged 19 to 35 years and 10% men aged 35 to 65 years in each country of operation.
Priority 1: Building strong, diverse teams through engaging qualified human resources over the next 2 years.
Priority 3: Enhancing peacebuilding work by carrying out research on Gender, Conflict and Peacebuilding
Priority 2: Strengthening financial sustainability by implementing a business model for most of its activities.
Enhancing connections between NHFGN members and supporters, with an emphasis on collaboration among local, regional, and international level actors
Training/Capacity Building
Context-sensitive and needs-based capacity building for policymakers, practitioners, and peacemakers (including NHFGN members and supporters)
Advocacy and lobbying
Influencing relevant global norms and policies and contributing to their implementation by amplifying the voices of and traditional peacemakers and Network members
Research and Analysis
Analysis and research informing the actions of NHFGN and creation of an evidence-based approach to promote the role of its peacemakers a to address conflicts
Invest in our Efforts:
Our immediate attention rests on the project activities, processes and structures required to manage and evaluate larger projects such as:

All of the above will help to assess the impact of our work and allow for a continuous process of learning and adaptation. Your support will go a long way.
We carry out advocacy and lobbying to influence change in unjust structures through right-relationships, transforming the ways people, communities and societies live, heal and structure their relationships to promote justice and peace and create safe spaces in which mutual trust, respect and interdependence are fostered.
Empowering Community Peacebuilders to manage, mitigate, resolve, and transform central aspects of conflict through official diplomacy; civil society peace processes, informal dialogue, negotiation, and mediation
NHF-GN has National Chapters and Associated Members active in +40 countries across five continents. Each of its National Chapters works on peace-building along with its several SDG aligned activities that are the most relevant to their respective national contexts.
NHF-GN National chapters are grassroots organisations that identify and develop programs in direct response to the needs and priorities of people in their countries. The international board has come up with, a Strategic Framework that was approved to guide NHF-GN’s work for the years to come. You can find our Thematic Priorities on the page below.

What We Do- Thematic Priorities:


According to UNAIDS 45.1 million People globally were living with HIV in 2020. 2.0 million People became newly infected with HIV in 2020. An estimated 1.0 million people died from AIDS-related illnesses in 2020.
NHFGN has seen that GBV increases HIV risk indirectly. Victims of childhood sexual abuse are more likely to be HIV positive and to have high-risk behaviours. GBV perpetrators are at risk of HIV infection, Support our work. We are working with 1 250 support groups
Children In Violent Nations
Globally, 25.3 per cent have witnessed violence in their homes, schools, and communities during the past year; and more than one-third (37.8 per cent) have witnessed violence against another person during their lifetimes.
NHFGN has evidence that violence can harm a child's emotional, psychological and even physical development. Children exposed to violence are more likely to have difficulty in school, abuse drugs or alcohol, and we would like to reach out to 5 million children by the year 2025
Violence Against Women
Globally, an estimated 736 million women—almost one in three—have been subjected to intimate partner violence, non-partner sexual violence, or both. NHFGN's work takes it to remote areas where women are subjected to violence each day, some deprived of basic needs, girls exposed to violence and women who experience abuse and are less likely to get out of the abusive relationship. We want to reach out to 600 000 women clubs by year 2025
Youths Violence & Drug Abuse
Globally, one in every 10 girls aged 13-15 years and one in every 5 boys aged 13-15 years use tobacco. [WHO, 2014, http://bit.ly/1SLtkEI]
NHFGN works with victims of violence. Young people, boys and girls who abuse substances & often experience an array of problems, including academic difficulties, health-related problems (including mental health). We would like to reach out to 2,5 million young people by 2025


The NHFGN Movement's governance is composed of three strategic bodies :
1- The International Executive Council
2- The International General Council and
3- The Secretariat.
These are the key NHFGN governance groups that form the International General Assembly once every four years.
The International Executive Council (IEC) is the establishment of a NHFGN board policy derived from its constitution. The council supports the monitoring and evaluation of the organisation's progress towards its strategic goals and initiatives. It provides oversight for the entire organization. The IEC is responsible for overseeing the approval of board policies and ensuring good governance practices. It works with the board to establish and sunset committees and task forces that oversee/monitor and evaluate the NHFGN's international activities. The IEC sits regularly as a Council for planning
NHFGN International Secretariat is at the heart of the movement. It acts as an international coordinator and focal point for the +40 National Chapters, which are spread across five continents. It is composed of 20 staff members.
The international Secretariat engages strategically with relevant human rights mechanisms in the UN, including the UNCRC, the Human Rights Council, and other human rights bodies.
The International General Council
is NHFGN's governing authority, It is composed of 12 board members elected every four years by their peers during the General Assembly and 5 staff members from each national chapter. The General Assembly is organised every four years to validate the Movement’s Strategic Framework. Each National Chapter is represented.
The 12 board members meet up to four times per year to validate the strategic orientation of the Movement.
During these meetups, an Advisory Committee of renowned human rights and governance experts provides substantive and technical support to the NHFGN Movement.