Year 2021 Child human rights defenders recruited by other children, trained and deployed in communities to monitor child rights violations and report to their leaders for further action

In 2012, the founder of NHF-GN visited child human rights clubs and worked with children in the community art for peace activities
We are living in a Global village with 7 billion people, a number with implications on peace and sustainability, urbanization, access to health services, child protection, youth and women empowerment – and also offers a rare call-to-action to renew the global commitment to fight conflict, hunger and poverty and to build a sustainable world for all.
The 7 billion helped to bring about the birth of our idea of an organisation called the NHFGN, November 2004, we have grown fast, in one year, we are now a global movement of peacemakers, founded to promote the peaceful coexistence of the human race.
What sets us apart from others is the uniqueness of our peace-building initiatives in +40 countries across the world.
7 Billion is a challenge: It has made us join the global race with other NGOs already in the field. We believe we can complement them in solving challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, HIV and AIDS, climate change, poverty, discrimination, and violence that has become increasingly more urgent – new challenges are arising every day and demand the best in each of us.
7 Billion is an opportunity: We have seen it and taken advantage and are now part of the global community where actions taken in one country or region can have an immediate impact on other parts of the world. We are reminding the world to realize the vast human potential among women and girls – who comprise half the world’s population – and the energy and talents of some two billion young people.
We are inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. principles of non-violence. His i have a dream speech pushes us to do more
For us to stand apart we have adopted the use of Art sports and Culture; as tools for our peacebuilding activities, taking them as strategies to build social capital, a way of making people work and understand each other, promoting peace, unity and behaviour change in men and women, as well as the influence of character building on children and young people who are the future holders of human rights and peace.
With a focus on peace-building in fragile states, we bring people together to
tell us their stories, and we in turn document, analyse and share with others across the world, and then take action as a remedy to find healing, reconciliation and closure for survivors as we help them reintegrate back to normal life.
Our work deploys 24 peacemakers in each country who will establish 1000 multidisciplinary community social clubs per country, each community social club shall have 60 to 100 members, these clubs will help us to network and unite people who will, in turn, help us to listen and gather stories that help to shape human behaviours.
Likening ourselves to Eagles we go beyond listening to stories, we take action to preserve lives, we stand as baobab trees supporting the building of sustainable food systems, environmental preservation and legacy impact.
