NHFGN 's community-development activities are implemented using a community social club strategy and the clubs carry out arts, sports and cultural activities this is done to win over the challenges being faced by recipients of our aid. We do this to unite people and build social capital. Social capital refers to the collective value of all "social networks" and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other.
Community Economic Empowerment Projects
Are you looking to expand your knowledge and skills but don’t know where to start? Join or start an NHFGN social club in your community or country, this might be the answer! If you need to improve your public speaking skills then taking part in a public speaking club would be perfect for you as you will be advised on how to effectively present to an audience. By being open to continuous learning, you gain an increased understanding of the world around you which will certainly be useful in all aspects of life.
Social Capital
Social influences community development, social capital refers to the institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions. Increasing evidence shows that social cohesion is critical for societies to prosper economically and for development to be sustainable.
Social capital is not just the sum of the institutions that underpin a society; it is the glue that holds them together elaborating various means to measure the level of social capital in different contexts. It says on its website that measurement of social capital is important for the three following reasons:
(a) Measurement helps make the concept of social capital more tangible for people who find social capital difficult or abstract;
(b) It increases our investment in social capital: in a performance-driven era, social capital will be relegated to second-tier status in the allocation of resources, unless organizations can show that their community-building efforts are showing results; and
(c) Measurement helps us and our funders and community organizations to build more social capital.
Everything that involves any human interaction can be asserted to create social capital, but the real question is does it build a significant amount of social capital, and if so, how much? Is a specific part of our programming effort worth continuing or should it be scrapped and revamped?
Do mentoring programs, playgrounds, or sponsoring block parties lead more typically to greater social capital creation? Building the social capital in people we support with our work will help in making our work easy.
The success of our work
Shared gender is part of the possibilities for common ground, as well as similar age (and therefore similar generational culture), enjoyment of the mountains or of fishing or of good food. The recognition that I – and others- have multiple identities, allows for a multitude of cross-cutting ties and relationships that create a dense social fabric. A strong society probably has both a lot of bonding capital and of bridging capital. Effective peacebuilding would lead to more bonding but especially more bridging social capital.
While there has been tremendous volumes of talk in recent years about ‘fragile states’, and hence much investment in rebuilding. the state" (see below), it is only more recently that more attention is being drawn to the "state of the society" (e.g. Zoellick 2008). So as peacebuilders, how do you assess the "state of society, i.e. the degree and nature of its social capital? And if you find perhaps deep levels of distrust, fragmentation, division, individualism, then how do you go about creating or recreating some degree of social cohesion? Is this something that an external actor can contribute to? Under what conditions and how?
Woolcock went beyond Putnam’s distinction between ‘bonding’ and ‘bridging’ capital and added ‘linking capital’. If bonding is the strong identification with those that are seen to be ‘close’ i.e. part of the groupings that one belongs to and that tend to define primary identities, then bridging capital for Woolcock relates to the ties we have with people that we do meet with certain regularity though don’t necessarily know very well, such as acquaintances, colleagues at work etc. Linking capital then refers to the relationships – and assumptions that shape those, with the multitude of people that are largely strangers to us. Peace begins when we embrace those who are not part of our religion or culture.

Community Social Clubs
All NHFGN activities are club-based and this is done to help with the monitoring and evaluation of activities across the world.
It is so easy to underestimate how much of a role joining a social club can play in enriching our lives. It gives us the opportunity to build new friendships, explore our personal interests, create excitement in our lives, switch up our routine and develop skills and knowledge valuable for life
Each NHFGN country project has 24 peacemakers who are mandated to establish 1000 to 1500 multidisciplinary community social clubs per country, each community social club shall have 60 to 100 members, these clubs will help NHFGN to build, network and unite people who will, in turn, help us to listen and gather stories that help to shape human behaviour.
The other purpose for having clubs is based on monitoring and evaluation of our activities across the world.