Since September 11, 2001, our world has become increasingly divided. The escalation of religious, ethnic, and cultural conflicts is having a profound impact on the hearts and minds of the next generation. The arts are language-independent media for building bonds of friendship and communication among the world's children. Collectively the arts are a powerful catalyst for promoting peace, freedom, and cooperation. Likewise, sports are also a powerful tool for building peace. NHF-GN implements arts, sports and cultural activities across the world for peacebuilding, these activities are meant to bring people together for them to live in peace. Arts, Sports and Culture activism is key to bringing people together.
The Role of Art Activities in Reconciliation
Whether community-based, artist-based, or collective in form, arts-based peacebuilding that engages with the arts as a way of knowing provides opportunities for close affective engagement with broad systemic dimensions of social, political, and cultural practices and power.
Arts have as much potential to build peace and facilitate processes of reconciliation as they do to fuel cultures of violence and conflict.
“Creativity is the power to reject the past, to change the status quo, and to seek new potential. Simply put, aside from using one’s imagination − perhaps more importantly − creativity is the power to act.”
− Ai Weiwei, Chinese artist
However, if strategically harnessed with the goal of rebuilding a just and peaceful society, art and culture can indeed contribute to lasting peace and reconciliation. Arts have always played a social role within our world.
Artists are the voices of some of the most marginalized groups within societies− they mirror the social, cultural and political realities of their time and propose new and alternate imaginings for the future.
The Role of Sports and Culture in reconciliation
Sports play a big role in reconciliation and can be used to promote social inclusion, breaking down barriers and creating bridges between opposing groups. Sport can help the process of reconciliation by building confidence and trust among diversity, advancing the healing process, encouraging resiliency, and giving a sense of normalcy.
Culture is particularly vulnerable to collateral damage, looting and intentional destruction, which is often paired with the persecution of individuals based on their cultural, ethnic or religious affiliation, the violation of their cultural rights and the denial of their identities. Because of the strong connection between culture and peoples’ identities, the intentional destruction and misappropriation of cultural heritage and the violation of cultural rights are aggravating factors in armed conflict and represent major obstacles to dialogue, peace and reconciliation.
While sport plays a big role, culture will also come to play, culture is part of the heritage and creative expression, culture contributes to identity, belonging and meaning. As a resource for community vitality, well-being and expression, it shapes peaceful societies through the recognition of and respect for the diversity of cultures and freedom of expression.